Old but Gold: Hilarious Coke Sale Prank Video Still Makes People Laugh Years Later


Los Angeles police officers weren’t impressed when a group of pranksters filmed themselves pretending to sell coke on the streets. But despite the cops’ disapproval, the video went viral years ago and is still making people laugh today!

The video features a group of guys approaching strangers on the street and offering them a can of Coca-Cola, which they call “coke.” They make it seem like they’re selling the illegal drug and hilarity ensues as people react with shock and disbelief.

The prank video, which has been seen over 49 million times, gained popularity quickly and became a viral sensation. However, the Los Angeles Police Department didn’t find it amusing and criticized the video for trivializing a serious problem.

Despite the criticism, the video remains popular and continues to make people laugh. It just goes to show that sometimes, even the most unconventional and controversial forms of humor can strike a chord with audiences.

In conclusion, while the LAPD may not have been impressed with the pranksters’ “coke sale”, the internet can’t get enough of it. Just remember, folks: pranks are all fun and games until someone gets hurt (or arrested).

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