Man fined for pretending to be ghost in cemetery – Cop Humor Meme


In a bizarre turn of events, Anthony Stallard, a 24-year-old from Southsea, Hampshire, was fined £35 for pretending to be a ghost in Kingston cemetery while out drinking with friends. Witnesses reported Stallard engaging in rowdy behavior, including throwing his arms in the air and exclaiming “woooooo” like a classic ghost from a cheesy horror movie.

Kingston cemetery in Portsmouth, where Anthony Stallard made his ghostly noises. Photograph: Alamy

Stallard pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words or behavior likely to cause distress, but he was let off the hook for a charge of causing criminal damage to gravestones. “I guess you could say he was more of a Casper than a vandal,” joked the Crown Prosecution Service spokeswoman.

As if things couldn’t get any spookier for Stallard, he also had an extra three months added to a conditional charge for previous harassment that he was found to be in breach of. Looks like his ghostly act didn’t quite scare away his legal troubles.

In the end, Stallard learned the hard way that cemetery shenanigans are a grave offense, and he’ll have to dig deep into his pockets to pay the fine and costs. Let’s hope he’s learned his lesson and won’t be haunting any more cemeteries with his ghostly antics in the future. Boo to that!

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